Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Nngh and Blargh...

So, back to work after the long weekend.  My garbage disposal has a leak that was discovered, yaaaaaaa, while I was doing dishes.  -.-  Maintenance didn't go by yesterday, and they weren't there this mornin before I left, so who knows if or when they'll get to it.  For now, I just have to be careful with that side of the sink.  *sigh*  today is unnecessarily long, and needs to be over, like, right now.  I don't have the energy to keep up something like this...  I fixed Grell and Castiel yesterday (if you look at the posted pictures super closely, you can notice things like Grell's eye not having color, the glasses missing, the color from Castiel's shoes bleeding up into his pants, etc), and I officially started and finished my "cat" sticker (who was a commission once upon a time, just a stylized black cat that I've fondly dubbed "Basement Cat").  I have plans to do one of DJ, who is my classic little trap/sweet lolita, and that will make ten total!  I plan to have them proofed and printed with next paycheck, and then I have to see about finding somewhere that can make me postcards for cheap.  Yaaaaaay for resorting to more Etsy...

I also need more prints of my older stuff...  I think I need to redo some of it....  Hmmm.... 

I really need to save up to do an order of badges from Office Max again, because, due to my error, they printed all of my "Yuri Addict" badges wrong (namely, without the words). 

So, to recap the things I still have to work on, and in the order I should probably work on them in: 

1.  Finish stickers.  6 designs done, 4 left to go.
2.  Get them proofed and printed.  (Find out if they come trimmed or if I have to cut them apart)
3.  Touch up, fix, and reprint older works.
4.  More badges.
5.  Clean apartment.  (This may need to be moved up...)
6.  Figure out how to display the stuff.  My corkboard won't survive another year, methinks, I may need to get a magnet board or something...
7.  Bag up the remaining doll clothes for sale...
8.  Work on Michaeyl.


  1. Oh how I love to see someone working their brain as well as their body. LOL I'm glad I'm not the only one.
    Where are those pix you were telling me about babe? I was looking forward to seeing them.
    I know what being broke means but we always manage to scrape through don't we? The thing I hate the most about that is the waiting to get something you want yesterday. LOL

  2. I needs must see Basement cat! Puuuurrrrease!

  3. *drags self home*

    Work was stressful today ... I am never taking four days of in a row again ... too much drama to come back to.

    that being said - I have discovered that Yaretzi is rather vain about her looks ... not that this surprises me, but I have this funny scene running through my head ...

    Why does creativity sprout when I have not time or energy to do squat about it?


  4. All I know is I sure as hell miss you two being creative. Waaaaa!
