Friday, September 28, 2012

Inspirational Blog

"It's easier to play a part, and read your lines,
than freely speak what's in your heart and in your mind."
~Dunce by Voltaire

So, I've been having a rotten week.  Mixed with a couple of not-so bad things.  Had to squawk to a higher-up to get my ceiling patched.  They showed up yesterday morning, woke me up from a very nice musical-themed dream (I promise, I'll stop falling asleep to Love Never Dies one of these days), with a can of stark-white spray paint to paint over the crack that had been sealed in one spot while it was still wet with caulking.  I told him no, I wanted it dried out, cleaned, gutted, and repaired properly, he said it wouldn't happen, ther'es ventilation up there (as if I'm an idiot) and it's dry.  I went fuming into the kitchen to make coffee since I was obviously not going to get to go back to sleep.

Got home yesterday to find they had patched the crack completely.  This morning, it's starkly obvious (even without my glasses) where they did the repair, and there's even signs of water damage (those funny yellow-orangeish spots that tell you this is going to start molding?). I give it a week before I have to go storming into the apartment office to demand that it gets the full repair that it needs.

It's really hard to be "nice" to these people now... 

Stickers are almost done (I keep saying that, I know!), I promise I'll have stuff done for Nebraskon ("Yeah, yeah, Starving, we've heard it all").

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