Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Great googly moogly!

So, I've been fighting maintenance to fix my disposal.  I have also been neglecting a large portion of housekeeping, partly from being sick, and mostly from being tired ALL the time.  I try my best, which recently, has been kind of sucky.  I'm also super conscious of how much noise Sweeney makes, and I do my best not to leave her alone for long periods of time.

Today, I get a notice that maintenance came by (after allegedly coming by on the 6th), and that I now have a 24-hour notice of inspection because my apartment is a mess.  Great.  Also on this notice, it states how my dog often disrupts the peace.

First, I know this sounds petty of me, and I'm sure it is, but, had they come into my apartment on 9/6 like they said they did (and we all know they didn't), then wouldn't I have gotten this notice then?  Hmm.  I think I'll have a talk to them about their maintenance people lying tomorrow.  I won't deny that my place is a mess, and I've been spending the last hour and 15 min since I got home to clean (pausing only now for dinner) so that maybe over the next couple of days, most of the work can be finished already.

I swear...  They complained my dishes weren't done, when my dishwasher and half of my sink were unusable...

Oh.  And they left a large puddle of water in my kitchen from the dishwasher.

*angrilly eats the Sonic burger*


  1. So what happens if you apartment isn't cleaned to their liking?

  2. If it isn't done within the fourteen days to their liking, then I will be forced to vacate, somehow.

  3. If you decide to have a word with your landlord, make sure you back it up in writing... as in hand the letter to your landlord and then explain what's in it. Paper trails are the protection of tenants. Honest.
