Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A New Home

I held the pen in my hand, looking at the points as the lady goes over the rules.  They're basic, and this isn't my first rodeo.  She explains about the Walmart Market going up on the other side of the fence behind our unit, and the noise shouldn't go on for too much longer, which is good.  All I can think about is the pets in the car, waiting eagerly for us to return.  Not long after, I shake her hand and get my keys, and just like that, I have a new home.

It's now five days later, and we're about 3/4 unpacked, and we're settling in nicely.  I'm dragging a bit, because I really hurt myself--I tumbled and almost fell about 4-5 times, so I'm trying to recover and stay off my feet, so that my hips and tailbone have some time to recover.  We got our kids put out, and we're just waiting for the chance to fetch our last ones (they're waiting at a friends' place).  Athena is enjoying her airbrush, and I'm chilling in my chair in the living room, though I find myself going head to head with Zeus...

Oh, Zeus.  The first day, Sweeney (my dog) and Zeus (Athena's cat) went over to Athena's parents' place while we moved most of Athena's things from her apartment to the new townhome.  That night, I was going to stay here and then head over to my apartment to arrange things for the movers to take over my furniture (I should have just had them take the rest of my stuff, because MAN, I hurt and I still have stuff to get).  Athena was hurting as much as me, so she crashed here too, and we each took a twin-size air mattress and the manual pump.  I had Sweeney brought back, because she was not going to handle being away that long.  Well, apparently, Zeus took it as being rejected, and moped.  Poor kitty...

I've had three instances of almost tripping over Zeus.  I'm not used to having a cat around again, Sweeney always moves out of the way.  Today alone, I had three attempts by him to get into my bedroom (which is a cat-free zone because I SAID SO, ZEUS).  Usually, he just sits outside the door and waits for me to come out before trying to sneak in.

I have a Jacuzzi tub!  EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!  I know that Athena probably makes fun of me for it, but I really really really REALLY love my tub and getting to take baths.  In my old place, the back edge of my tub is practically vertical with a severe edge.  It's not rounded, it's not subtle, and it's not comfortable to lean back against. so I didn't get to take baths much at all.  And I'm kind of tall, so most tubs, I can't lean back and keep my legs underwater very well.  So this tub is just... faaaaaantastic!  (And a separate shower, so I can wash up and then soak myself in the tub at my leisure.  (I'm not sure how loud the jets are in the townhome, so I try not to use them much or very long.

I think the hardest part is the stairs.  There are a loooot of them.  Okay, not really, but more than at my apartment, and going up and down the stairs just exhaaaausted me...  But I'm enjoying myself so much being here...  I don't know if Athena knows, but...  Being here and out of that place is already so much better, less stress, less sudden need for human interaction, and a lot less questioning myself, a lot more comfort without being overcrowded.  We have a tooooooooon of space, and plenty of room to expand and go off and do our own thing without being on top of each other...

I feel so very at home here...  This was the best decision I've made in a long while....

I don't have a quote of the day, I'm afraid... sorry!

1 comment:

  1. This blog makes me very happy for both of you! I hear cozy and free, all at once. Awesome :)
