Monday, August 12, 2013

Countdown: Officially 32 Days Left!

So, a lot of people already know, but I'm moving!  This move has been 18 months in the planning (yes, seriously, I've been planning to move that long, though the specific planning for THIS move was started about 15 months ago), and I'm very excited.  We're off the waiting list and we're official now.  The official move starts on September 13th.  I'm quite excited, I've gone through all of my books and given two boxes worth to Half Price Books, I'm having two end tables and a coffee table taken away (mom needs them), grandma's going to hold onto this desktop PC (which is technically hers, though she doesn't have a use for it now that she has a newer, faster one), and tomorrow, hopefully, I'll have help to get rid of the last two bookcases that I've needed to throw away probably since before I moved into this apartment...  I already got one out to the dumpster on my own, and my old chipped TV.

Tomorrow, I'll also be getting a new(er) mattress.  This one had two springs go out, and I suspect it's older than I am.  So yaaaaaay!

I've still got a lot of packing to do, but it's going to be a lot easier once things have been properly moved out/around/away.  The hardest part will be the fish tank, because once the end table in my living room gets taken out, I won't have any furniture strong enough to hold it up.  (Well, I do, but it's currently holding my printer, unless I pack the printer... which I just might do, because it's not currently being used...)

I'm putting together a bin of my doll stuff that's been floating around everywhere.  For everyone that thinks "Oh, it's just a wig here or a shirt there", no, it's like, I skinned multiple cats, there are so many wigs (mostly mohair, for those that know what it is), I have so many outfits wandering around, I'm surprised anyone has any clothes on, and I've found almost all of my spare hands that were floating around.  I'm tempted to put Mercutio in there, because the poor Floy is still on the Marketplace, and still hasn't sold and his original box got something sticky on it...

Sigh.  I can't wait until we move...  Just over four weeks left...  NNNGHCANITBESEPTEMBERNOW?!

In other news, I've been writing.  A lot.  And by a lot, I mean my novel currently contains about 75 pages of actual writing.  Most of it is sequential, but I still have gaps in it (I skipped about 10 chapters to write the fun bits).  I've taken to writing while walking at work (something I might've mentioned around February or so).  I have been enjoying the exercise, and definitely loving the boost in creativity.  I've determined that I write best that way, especially emotional scenes--it helps keep me focused so I don't start crying.  (For those wondering, yes, I do cry when I write stressful scenes.  Someone's thinking their last thoughts on the page?  I start bawling at my desk.  Writing a child's funeral, I just take off my glasses and type until I get through it, and then wipe my eyes and dry my tears before checking it over.)  For me, the worst parts are when a man is crying.  Now, this is true when it's a boy, a full grown man, a teenager, whatever.  If a man is crying, then it spurs tears and hysterical sobs, when I'm alone.  When someone is around, I try to hold it in, which results in headaches, migraines, and general unpleasantness.  *sigh*

1 comment:

  1. I am excited for you too babe. It HAS been a long time in planning and suddenly it is here. Way to go. I bet your partner in crime can't wait either. LOL
