Thursday, April 18, 2013

Nebraskon Confirmations!

So, Starving Artists' Studios had a bit of a break over winter.  Right after Nebraskon last November, I ran over a deer, then I got very sick with the flu over Christmas.  I got better, then Mom got sick.  Mom got better, then I got sick again.  I got better, and then I got a call that mom was being admitted to the hospital.  Thank you, Life, for kicking me when I'm down.

Mom's doing a LOT better, as am I.  I'm looking forward to spring (to everyone wondering what I'm talking about, it's FREEZING in Nebraska), and I'm definitely looking forward to moving in September.  In the meantime, Starving Artists Studios has decided on our central theme for this year's presentation, and we've decided to concentrate on ball-jointed dolls, which has been very popular for some time.  Between Athena and I, we've pulled together and chosen a few US independent sculptors/companies, to decide who we're going to push and advertise.

I'm working right now on little booklets for those that are interested in getting into the hobby, but want kind of a manual of "how to get started" and "what the heck am I doing".  And by right now, I mean I have the idea to do it, but haven't started yet. XD

Right now, I'm putting together small raffle items.  I've got a little cat pet doll on order, and it's sitting at the apartment office right now for me to pick up tomorrow.  That will bring out the real potential of starving artists the world over!

At Starving Artists' Studios, we're out to show the world that just because we're "starving", doesn't mean we aren't as good as those high-end artists that overcharge for the same quality of product.  That, and I like shameless advertising, it's fun!

At-con, I intend to have 4-5 cat pet dolls for raffle with their own little accessories, "birth certificates", and special faceup and body blushing done by our resident artists. At-con, I will be doing commissions again--something I haven't done for two years, because I was getting very out of control with my time management. I will have Athena there with me this year, and the intention is to have a wonderful, open experience to bring people into this fantastic, awesome hobby, and to let them really see that artists don't have to starve, you can support the artists and you can enjoy and love what you get out of it!

Do you have something you think would make an awesome "starving artist" item?  Pop in and drop us a line, tell us and show us what you have that would be a wonderful example of your abilities as an artist.  BJD items are VERY desired right now, so furniture, clothing, wigs, eyes, faceups, sculpting, whatever you think you can come up with will be helpful!

Inspirational Quote of the Day:

"Let no voice falter, let die no flame,
Let all remember your every name!
Let faces turn to the starry sky.
Let songs be sung 'til our throats are dry!"

~Goodnight Sweet Ladies, by Emilie Autumn

1 comment:

  1. EEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

    I'm so excited. This is my first convention and I'm trying not to freak myself out ... but first we move ... *nods* ... Once the move is out of the way, I think I'll be less stressed.
